
CANstruction is a national charitable competition that puts creativity and collaboration to the test while increasing awareness about hunger. Rhode Island’s design and construction industry is represented by six teams of our state’s best. Each team pools their innovative ideas to create giant sculptures entirely out of canned foods. 

“The competition brings together construction, architecture and design firms in a way that plays well to our strengths and allows for good-hearted competition in an industry that is fiercely competitive in the business market,” said CANstruction RI committee co-chair Michael Busam. “It is a fun way of collecting canned goods and generating thousands of pounds of food for the Food Bank from each event.” 

Held biennially, Herrick & White has proudly participated in two CANstruction teams:

2016’s sailboat sculpture called “Turning the Tides on Hunger”: Herrick & White was teamed up with Durkee, Brown, Viveiros & Werenfels Architects; Parker Construction, Odeh Engineers and GTECH. Awarded Jurors’ Favorite and Best Use of Labels.

For 2014’s scene of the Newport Bridge, we teamed up with : Durkee, Brown, Viveiros & Werenfels Architects, Providence, GTECH Corporation, Providence, and Odeh Engineers, North Providence.

Article in Rhode Island Real Estate Journal.